Cosmology and Metaphysics may be weighty subjects, but you do NOT need a doctorate or other advanced academic degree to understand the content of this web-site. In fact, the purpose of these pages is to explain complex concepts in down-to-earth terms. (You can judge the degree of success.) If you are able to make sense of the rest of this page, then you will be able to appreciate the rest of this site.
the big picture. So, here you will find Cosmology perspectives on selected, leading-edge topics in the field of Metaphysics.
beyond physics(in the order for reading the works of Greek philosopher Aristotle). Metaphysics includes philosophical matters which physics cannot address–reality & existence, cause & effect, change & identity, ethics & morals, free will, concepts of the soul and of a God–the
Supernatural Universe.
italicsare not active at the present time–soon??]
Theology of Time | 2014 MAY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Here I deal with the core issue of the web-site: TIME. We talk as if God acts like us–over some time-frame. But time is God's creation–God is "outside" of time. So, I take the perspective of the Supernatural Universe to show how God "sees" time. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2017 APR; STUB
| is objective or subjective–what exists and what does not exist. The issue is still unresolved–until now. This is an opportunity to get the definitive answer–right here. | planning
| Epistemology. I will discuss them in some detail, but don't expect another definitive answer. (Two in a row is beyond the capacity of this old man.) Nature of Souls | 2017 APR; needs fix
This monumental treatise should be more than enough to earn me a PhD in BS. | Issues: Are there hierarchies of souls in one entity? Can several entities share one soul? Can one soul divide into two; or two join into one? I use dozens of examples from biology to demonstrate my points (slime molds to humans). The Time of Aquinas | 2017 APR; needs map
Aquinas inherited a fallacy from Aristotle, who thought time is discrete–when really | time is continuous. This has significant ramifications for morality and how we live. Life is a continuum–not separate acts, each of which is moral, amoral, or immoral. Morality Plays | 2014 MAY
This is a continuation of the | time is continuoustheme. But it should be rewritten. Time has moved on, making the central point obsolete. So like time, I will move on. Grace, Faith, Predestine | 2017 APR
I explain how grace works and why faith is the pre-eminent virtue. Predestination | is another one of those eternal paradoxes which fill these pages. Simply put–from human perspective, nothing is predestined–from God's perspective, everything is. | 2017 APR; STUB
| these connections sacraments(in the West) and mysteries(in the East). The Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental, and Assyrian Churches accept seven; most others accept only two. Sacraments/mysteries work because we have FAITH that they do. | planning
| 11th–Orthodox; 16th– Protestant(not one but several faiths–chiefly: Calvinist, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran; 19th–new belief systems: Pentecostal, Jehovah's Witnesses, (7th Day) Adventist, Latter Day Saints (Mormon). Given this wide-spread and long-lasting disparity in belief and ritual, unity seems elusive. |
OK, but how does all this relate to It's About Time
? Well, time is where it all began so many years ago, when I was but a callow youth. It was thinking about time that sparked a life-long study of Astrophysics and Metaphysics–empowering the birth of this web-site. Time runs through many articles–sometimes explicitly and sometimes discretely.
There are three other sections in our web book, namely:
miscellaneous) has articles unrelated to anything else.